Monday, June 21, 2010

How a doodle is translated into an illustration

Sorry guys, I am not putting the step-by-step guide here. You can find tons of them online and you will learn techniques that work for you as you get it on. Seriously, there are more than 1 way to do this.

Rian Hughes was my source of inspiration when I was in betwen stage 3 & 4. Colouring in Illustrator is really fun!

I'm just very satisfied with what I managed to learn from engaging in this project.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A blog with a purpose => Revo@365

I have been thinking about the purpose of this blog.

Would ranting/journaling about my every day life really make a difference?
Honestly, no. Entertaining, maybe but definitely not much positive impact.

A deeper question comes next: What do I want to be known for?

So I have been thinking about starting a blog that echoes Julie & Julia's concept with a twist. To find a book/or to create a 365-days list about Random Acts of Kindness, do it, and then blog it. I will call it Revo@365.
My only excuse is...what if I become too busy to do good for a day?
I don't think it's a great excuse.

I will need the list soon. Why a list? If not, I will be cracking my head for the things to do and by the time I thought of something, it may be too late for the day to do it.

Of course, it won't deserved the title Revo@365 if I don't partner with God to do it.
It's REVOLUTION with LOVE within spelt backwards.

I will seriously begin this Revo@365 next week. Pray for me to get the list ready.

Updated (18 June 2010)
I caught something from Nilai@Homes last night. That the branches can't live without the tree and I felt that Project Revo@365 needs to start off with prayers and planning. So I am just going to do that. I don't think by my own strength I can finish the project... knowing me, if I do this without Him, it will probably be known as Revo@7 or worse Revo@1. You will hear more from me soon. Now, to my knees...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Note to self: No more pets please!


This is the young working adult version of you speaking. If you find yourself on impulse saying "Why not" to a cute&cuddly or hm-interesting pet, please remember to read this post.

You are not fit to keep any pet if 1 of the following conditions is true:
(1) Your room is in a mess
(2) Your spending habits is yet to be disciplined
(3) You come back later than 10pm every night
(4) You don't own a maid or living with your mom
(5) You are not able to check on your new pet every night to make sure they are alive.
(6) You are not able to commit to clean the cage/aquarium every day.
(7) You don't have a boyfriend.

If the conditions are met but you still insist of keeping one, please read and recall the memory below:

You had a very, very long week that saw you returning home at 11pm every night. So one Friday night, you came back after a rocking RE:UNION party and decided to check on your abandoned hermits. You noticed two immobile shells but thankfully, there were life in them.

However, those lives didn't belong to your hermits but another whole new species - called maggots. You hated them with every single cell in your body. Immediately, your heart fell and it dropped deeper when you recognized the shell of your favourite hermit among the dead. With so much depressing emotions swelled within you, you went to bed, unsure of how to clean the cage and to rescue the rest.

As usual, when you were confused, you would procrastinate as long as you can. You were so concerned about the hermits to a point that you even dream of them. Finally, you woke up and braved yourself to face the evil maggots only to discover that your cowardice had given the villains ample time to grow in power.

These wicked things had grew by centimeters over night and found strength to enlarge their territory. They had crawled above the aquarium and beyond. Horrified by sight and smell, you abandoned thoughts of squishing them but turned to the aerosol spray instead. 

Unfortunately, you had underestimated your villains. The time was ticking. Your villains were spreading to the next shelf and you needed to leave to church in 15 minutes. 

As usual, your brilliant mind came alive under pressure and you resorted to fire. You happily lighted these evil creatures that left the cage. Then, you used the 'kepit' to rescue the remaining surviving hermits. Unable to bear the sight of the evil hive, you threw the entire aquarium into the trash, took them out, and ensure the trash was miles away from your home.

The experience was so vile, it gave you an aftermath headache. From that day onwards, you vowed to yourself to not keep pets by impulse anymore. Until this point of your blog, the memory still frighten you and sometimes you thought there was something crawling in your wrist --- could it be that one of those creature crawled into your skin and.... EWWWWWWWWWW... nOnoNONO!!!

So, future Pam, please don't let your impulse make your decision especially when it comes to keeping pets.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Which one, O, which one?

I can't figure out which topic to focus in my blog. Should I write about designing, or personal development, or psycology, or jokes, or God, or food, or friends, or work, or career, of pharmaceutical or ... what????

I am fickle, it's my Myers-Briggs character traits!

except from bloginality

You are an ENFP!

As an ENFP, you are Extraverted, iNtuative, Feeling , Perceiving.
This makes your primary focus on Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Feeling.
This is defined as a NF personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Idealist (Identity Seeking) type, and more specifically the Champions or Inspirer.

As a weblogger, you may not be consistant in posts. Although, if you find a specific focus on their journal or a very flexible manner of writing, it may be more fufilling. Because you are warm and see so many posibilities in life, you may inspire others to follow in your footsteps with a journal.


When you are in a pressure-cooker and you can't do anything about the situation, you are going to go to, login to your account, resist to dedicate a blog to complain about insolents and idiots, and guide your neurons to spark on other subjects such as ...

(1) Don't reply to the fire sparker
When you see red, you don't open your mouth or else... hopefully (but highly doubtful) the recipient won't see red or both will be so red, we both will look like squashed tomatoes.

(2) Force a laugh
The moment you force a laugh, it's like you are pouring water on the fire. It makes you look so silly, your self-righteous fire is immediately sizzled cause no one else hurts your pride more at the moment than yourself when you laugh like a maniac.

(3) Listen to soothing music
Okay, time to open my Winamp for my .... WHAT?! My Jazz folder is deleted?! *SCREAMS*
Hahhaa, kidding, I needed the diversion okay?

(4) Blog about something else
Like what I'm doing now... and give your best while you are at it.

(5) Get a pet dog
I miss Jinn!!! Sigh, but it's true. Who is better to help you go through pressure time but a man's best friend? The moment you see their puppy eyes gazing into your soul, your stone-cold heart will break and sizzles.

(6) Eat
For some people, they are usually edgy when they are hungry. Eat something, get yourself filled so you can think better.

(7) Sleep
Heard of the famous phrase "I'll sleep on it"? A tried and tested method used by many famous people when they are confused. And when they wake up the next day, EUREKA! Or at least, they get to let their fuming feelings sizzle off over a length of time.

(8) Watch a comedy movie
Definitely a must if you have the time and your workplace allows it. Something to tickle your funny spleen. If anything were to be released, and if I can have a choice over it, why not release our laughter that bundle our burdens also? 

(9) Don't answer the evil phone
Seriously, I hate phones. They are loud, annoying, and attention-seeking. And at most time, phone calls usually require you to do something or to listen to someone's complaints. 

(10) Let go and let God
A famous phrase used by Pr Kenneth to sum up a God-focus lifestyle. 
Is it true? Yes. 
Does it work? Yes. 

When you let go, you don't hold on to something that gives your agitation system a kick and well, you let go of your pent up energy. 

And when you let God, you know your situation is being taken care of and that gives you hope over your situation. Does it really work? Yes. 

A moment ago I was already stressed and a supplier had to give me a call to challenge on certain issues. After the phone call, I was irked but I just prayed a quick one and moved on. Moments later, she called back and said it was settled. This is just one of God's tricks. 

Hm... this helps a little. I am mad but not as mad as seconds ago cause my energy is being diverted to something else other than the bomb.

:) cheers!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What am I drinking?

Going through a crazy week and as usual, after a long mundane task, I allow my mind to wander to this ranch of mine. One random thought that stimulates millions of my neurons was "I don't drink and yet I drink a lot, imagine if I drink, how much will I drink?"

Right now, I am pumping in a power drink to keep me going, a change from my usual Nescafe Kao Kao. Btw, I am not a true coffee addict since I love my cup sweet. But a good colleague once commented that I drink my coffee as if I am drinking beer.

Anyhow, I was thinking, if it wasn't for my parents' teachings, my distaste for loss of control, and meeting Jesus, I think I will be a full-time drinker since I don't like plain water.

But then again...maybe not since I don't need beer to make me intoxicated.

Ok, signing off, back to work.