Thursday, June 17, 2010

A blog with a purpose => Revo@365

I have been thinking about the purpose of this blog.

Would ranting/journaling about my every day life really make a difference?
Honestly, no. Entertaining, maybe but definitely not much positive impact.

A deeper question comes next: What do I want to be known for?

So I have been thinking about starting a blog that echoes Julie & Julia's concept with a twist. To find a book/or to create a 365-days list about Random Acts of Kindness, do it, and then blog it. I will call it Revo@365.
My only excuse is...what if I become too busy to do good for a day?
I don't think it's a great excuse.

I will need the list soon. Why a list? If not, I will be cracking my head for the things to do and by the time I thought of something, it may be too late for the day to do it.

Of course, it won't deserved the title Revo@365 if I don't partner with God to do it.
It's REVOLUTION with LOVE within spelt backwards.

I will seriously begin this Revo@365 next week. Pray for me to get the list ready.

Updated (18 June 2010)
I caught something from Nilai@Homes last night. That the branches can't live without the tree and I felt that Project Revo@365 needs to start off with prayers and planning. So I am just going to do that. I don't think by my own strength I can finish the project... knowing me, if I do this without Him, it will probably be known as Revo@7 or worse Revo@1. You will hear more from me soon. Now, to my knees...

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