Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Insecurities can be overcome

When a little bird mentioned of a friend going through an insecurity breakdown, deep within, I smiled.

Not that I am a sadist, but that was me 3 years ago. Growing up never learning to depend on God, I used to be a person who needed others' acceptance. When I came to KL, I constantly broke down in tears at first because I was really lonely and had no one to talk to. Even when I was out with friends, I still felt lonely because they didn't cast their attention on me. My insecurity issue was major but He was majorer.

Over a long time, He led me to places where I had no one to lean on but Him. He even allowed a precious leader removed from my life (it was more like my undoing).

There were lots of crying and crying until one day, I got so sick of crying that I told God I wanted to grow up. I had enough of self-pity.

The journey to finding and building my identity in God was long but through Him, I am made stronger.

Not that I am very, very sure of myself today but I know I am a better Pam than 3 years ago. I will not deny my insecurities are still there, always lying about my self worth but with my Best Friend, together we proactively manage the evil insecurity and proclaim my worth bought over by His blood!

So if you are going through something like this, it's never too late to save yourself. The only thing is you must be willing.

Growing up is not easy but it's worth it. :)

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